Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Landsape Altered

I got so many complements from the Lime Juice and the Sea video, so here's another short surf flick for you guys...

Welcome to the future...

Landscape Altered - Episode 1 from Kustom Airstrike on Vimeo.

The Spanish Maine

Some pics from last year I dug up... enjoy

Union Island

Little piece of paradise - - JVD, BVIs

Martinique - - Fort de France


Bahamas - - Wardrick Wells

Bahamas - - Staniel Cay

Turks and Caicos

Digging through the archives...

Some pictures from summers past... Hope you like

West NC - - Cattail Creek

West NC - - Highlands

West NC - - Ogles Meadows

Wrightsville - - Summer storms

Wrightsville - - Summer storms

Monday, April 26, 2010

new M.I.A.

Born Free
Gnarly song and one of the most insane music videos I've ever seen.
NSFW. Watch at your own risk... seriously {click here}

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Electric Feel new version

So I know I've been posting a lot of remixes lately... and here's another one

Katy Perry version... It's kinda cool, a little more chilled out

Electric Feel - Katy Perry ~click here~

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Conched out day...

I drew conch shells all day long.. don't ask why, cause I have no idea

here's the winner:

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Bloody Beetroots

Awesome song

Teahupoo and her sister's

For those who have not witnessed the beauty of Teahupoo, one of the most powerful and beautiful waves on the planet. Located on the south coast of Tahiti it will forever be a surfing meca. Watch These videos... You'll be amazed.

Lime juice and the sea! from allan wilson on Vimeo.

p.s. It breaks over a 3-4ft deep razor sharp reef... just for some perspective

Malik's Right from nicolas dazet on Vimeo.

A sister wave to Teahupoo, Malik's Right. Dedicated to Malik Joyeux who died surfing Pipeline in December of 2005.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I'm addicted to this photo...

...so I thought I'd share it with you

simple and meaningful.. Nobody at the wheel

Found this great site.. simple quotes typed on old paper, can't get much better than that..
Nobody At The Wheele [click here]

Wednesday, April 14, 2010